【ヴォイド・サウンド】幻想音楽紀行譚 一蒐

作品タイトル:幻想音楽紀行譚 一蒐
ジャンル:全年齢向け, 男性向け, ツクール, 公式, 新作


『癒しの幻想音楽旅行集』 – 音楽で旅する、あなたの心の休息所!

サンプル :


水辺の村 – 心を穏やかにする美しい水辺のメロディ。
森の民 – 森の中の神秘と生命力に満ちたトラック。
ハッピータウン – 活気あふれる町の日々を描いた陽気な曲。
洞窟 – 冒険心をくすぐる神秘的なサウンド。
おやすみ – 夜の静けさを優しく包むリラクゼーション曲。
砂塵に潜む影 – 砂漠の謎と探求心を刺激するミステリアスなトラック。
tandem drive – 風を切る爽快なドライブ感を表現した爽快な曲。
ash town – 廃墟の哀愁と再生を感じさせる深いメロディ。
walKing with leaves – 落ち葉を踏む音と秋の散歩を描いた穏やかな曲。
sleep worKer – 夢と現実の間を旅する幻想的なトラック。
vaper town – 霧の街の静けさと神秘を描く曲。
chilled windows – 寒い窓辺から見える景色を感じる静かな曲。
weaK light – 弱い光の中で感じる温もりと安らぎを表現した曲。
『癒しの幻想音楽旅行集』で、あなたの毎日に魔法のような癒しをプラスしましょう!?? 今すぐダウンロードして、心を解き放つ旅に出発!


? ’Healing Fantasy Music Journey’ ? – A Musical Voyage for Your Soul’s Rest!
This album is a treasure trove of instrumental music for healing, themed around travel and fantasy. Warm tones and intricate sound designs by skilled sound designers weave together, leading listeners into a rich world of music. It includes 13 tracks perfect for background music in videos, game production, creative work, or daily relaxation.

? Special Bonuses Included! ?
For album purchasers, files are available in both .wav(24bit) and .mp3(192kbps), along with special commentary audio files and beautiful images representing each track. These bonuses offer deeper insights into the meanings and backgrounds of each track, enriching your musical experience.

? Tracklist:
? ’Village by the Water’ – A beautiful melody that calms the heart like a serene waterside.
? ’Forest Folk’ – A track filled with the mystery and vitality of the forest.
? ’Happy Town’ – A cheerful song depicting the lively days of a bustling town.
? ’Cave’ – A mystical sound that tickles the adventurous spirit.
? ’Goodnight’ – A relaxation track gently enveloping the night’s quiet.
? ’Shadows in the Dust’ – A mysterious track stimulating the curiosity to explore desert mysteries.
? ’Tandem Drive’ – An exhilarating song expressing the sensation of cutting through the wind.
? ’Ash Town’ – A deep melody evoking the melancholy of ruins and the hope of rebirth.
? ’Walking with Leaves’ – A gentle song depicting an autumn walk with the sound of stepping on leaves.
? ’Sleep Worker’ – A fantastical track journeying between dreams and reality.
? ’Vaper Town’ – A song depicting the quietness and mystery of a foggy town.
? ’Chilled Windows’ – A quiet song feeling the view from a cold windowpane.
? ’Weak Light’ – A track expressing warmth and comfort in weak light.

Let ’Healing Fantasy Music Journey’ add magical healing to your daily life! ?? Download now and embark on a journey to liberate your heart!
